Hello! This is a small game that I have made to test my skills as a programmer and with Unity. Also, it has helped me to improve my skills with pixel art and a bit of 3D. It's a simple 3D platformer with 2 phases, but I've put a lot of love into it.

Some hooligans have sneaked into the lighthouse, turned it off and started a party inside.  So that the ships can safely navigare at night, they call "PeaceMachine", a little robot created to resolve conflicts.

-Move the robot with W, A, S, D

-Attack with the left click

-Say hello to the people with the right click

-Press "F" to set a bomb

-Press the spacebar to jump (You have two jumps)

Teach those hooligans a lesson!



PeaceMachine.EXE.zip 81 MB
PeaceMachineMAC.zip 91 MB


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Really fun game :D

Thanks! :D

This game is simple but I have a fun time!

Peace Machine!